Custom, one-of-a-kind

The task of furnishing my "homes" usually takes place well before they are finished as I may jot down ideas to fulfill the mood, architecture, texture or color palettes. Many times, I'll have only to look into my reserve box of leftover goodies. If they don't exist, as in these pieces, I take the time to create them. Sometimes they originate and are modified from a kit. Others have been made from scratch with applied classroom experience.



My friend Jo and I held a 2-person mini workshop at my house, and we built couches designed by Ray Whitledge. The instructions were in the July, 1994 Nutshell News magazine. Prior to our "workshop" we had scoured many fabric stores looking for small-scale prints - still so hard to find.


Tea Room Hutch:

I needed a hutch to display plates and goodies in my tea room. I had seen
the perfect one in Better Homes and Gardens, so estimated the measurements
and built it the same day. It's so satisfying to have a miniature lumber yard on
hand! I handpainted the Chrysnbon plates and made the cakes from Fimo. The
tea boxes are from Little Addictions.



Phyllis Tucker conducted the chandelier class at the Cleveland Miniaturia some
years ago. She has made many fantastic lighting fixtures for outstanding artisans. The chandelier features lots of Swarovski crystals. It hangs over the dining table
in a room decorated for Christmas.



I met Rosemarie Torre at a show in Rochester NY, and loved her painted
furniture. She also has designed many wooden furniture kits. My friend Lorraine
and I built her bedroom kits; then traveled to Rosemarie's Bed and Breakfast in
the Catskills and took painting lessons from Rosemarie. We were thrilled
with the results! The hatboxes are made from card stock covered with Laura
Ashley wallpaper borders copied from a catalog. The nightgown is by Janet
Middlebrook, hat by Debra Rundle.


Wall Cabinet and Table:

A "Hostess will seat you" sign with menus stand on a painted Bespaq
table in the first floor tea room. The wall shelf above is made from strip
wood and laser trim, and holds bags and boxes of assorted teas from
Little Addictions.


Side Table:

    ©2013 Pat's miniatures. All rights reserved | Photography, web site design and development by Jeffrey W. Balazs